导语:学了那么多年的英语,你是否发觉你说来说去、写来写去的总还是早就会的那几个 good happy think 之流的词?来看看这些能让老外都对你刮目相看的高级英语词吧。其实相当一部分词在我们大学英语课本里都有,学着在你的英语表述中用一用这些词吧! 1aberration [, b re ( )n] n. 背离正确的情况;不正直 In 1974, Poland won the World Cup, but the success turned out to be an aberration, and Poland have not won a World Cup since. 1974年,波兰队赢得了世界杯。但他们的胜利被证明是用不正当的手段获取的。而在那以后,波兰队再也没能赢得世界杯。 2 abhor [ b h ] v. 憎恶;痛恨 Because he always wound up getting hit in the head when he tried to play cricket, Marcin began to abhor the sport. 因为Marcin总是在打板球的时候被打中头部而受伤,他开始厌恶这项体育运动了。 3 acquiesce [, kw es] v. 默然(或勉强)同意;默认 Though Mr. Pospieszny wanted to stay outside and work in his garage, when his wife told him that he had better come in to dinner, he acquiesced to her demands. 尽管Pospieszny先生想留在屋外的车库里干活,但当他的妻子喊他进屋吃晚饭的时候,他还是勉强答应了。 4 alacrity [ l kr t ] n. 乐意,欣然 For some reason, Simon loved to help his girlfriend whenever he could, so when his girlfriend asked him to set the table he did so with alacrity. 出于某种原因,Simon喜欢去尽可能地帮助女朋友,所以当女友让他去摆桌子的时候,他欣然照做了。 5 amiable [ e m b( )l] adj. 友善的;和蔼可亲的 An amiable fellow, Neil got along with just about everyone. Neil是一个友善的人,他和大家都相处得很好。 6 appease [ pi z] v. 使平静 When Jerry cries, his mother gives him chocolate to appease him. 只要Jerry一哭,他的妈妈就给他巧克力,让他安静下来。 7 arcane [ɑ ke n] adj. 深奥的',晦涩难解的 The professor is an expert in arcane Kashubian literature. 这个教授是晦涩难懂的卡舒布文学方面的专家。 8 bizarre [b zɑ ] adj. 奇异的,怪异的 The building was of bizarre appearance.这是一栋外形奇葩的建筑。 9 brazen [ bre z( )n] adj. 厚脸皮的` Critics condemned the writer s brazen attempt to plagiarize Frankow-Czerwonko s work. 这个作家厚颜无耻剽窃Frankow-Czerwonko作品的行为遭到了批评家们的指责。 10 brusque [br sk] adj. 粗暴的,生硬无礼 Simon s brusque manner sometimes offends his colleagues. Simon不修边幅的简慢态度有时候会冒犯他的同事。 11cajole [k d l] v. 劝诱;哄骗 Magda s friends cajoled her into drinking too much. Magda的朋友们哄着她喝了好多酒。 12callous [ k l s] adj. 铁石心肠的;起老茧的 The murderer s callous lack of remorse shocked the jury. 谋杀犯毫无悔意的冷血态度震惊了陪审团。 13candor [ k nd ] n. 爽直,坦率 We were surprised by the candor of the politician s speech because she is usually rather evasive. 这位政客的坦率演讲令我们惊讶,毕竟她说话向来都含糊其辞。 14chide [t a d] v. 责骂,责备 Hania chided Gregory for his vulgar habits and sloppy appearance. Gregory粗鲁的行为和邋遢的外表招来了Hania的责备。 15circumspect [ s k mspekt] adj. 考虑周到的 Though I promised Marta s father I would bring her home promptly by midnight, it would have been more circumspect not to have specified a time. 尽管我向Marta的父亲保证,午夜之前我一定会送她回家,但假如我考虑得再周到一点而不确定一个具体的时间,结果可能更好。 16clandestine [kl n dest n] adj. 暗中的;偷偷摸摸的 Announcing to her boyfriend that she was going to the library, Maria actually went to meet George for a clandestine liaison. Maria嘴上和她男朋友说她要去图书馆,实际上她是找George幽会去了。 17coerce [k s] v. 胁迫;迫使 The court decided that David did not have to honor the contract because he had been coerced into signing it. 法庭裁决David不需要去履行合同,因为他是在被逼迫的情况下签字的。 18coherent [k ( ) h r( )nt] adj. 连贯的;协调的 William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement. William弄不明白Harold到底看见了什么,因为Harold简直精神错乱,已经是语无伦次了。 19complacency [k m ple s( )ns ] n. 自鸣得意;自满情绪 Simon tried to shock his friends out of their complacency by painting a frightening picture of what might happen to them. Simon试图通过描绘可能发生在他身上的可怕事情,来将他的朋友们从自满情绪中唤醒。 20 confidant [ k nf d nt; ,k nf dɑ nt] n. 密友,心腹 Shortly after we met, he became my chief confidant. 我们认识后不久,他就成了我最好的.知己。 21 connive [k na v] v. 暗中勾结,密谋 She connived to get me to give up my plans to start up a new business. 她私底下谋划着让我放弃我的计划,去做新的生意。 22 cumulative [ kju mj l t v] adj. 累积的,渐增的 The cumulative effect of hours spent browsing Chinadaily Wechat account was a vast improvement in his vocabulary and general level of English. 他在浏览双语君***号上点滴积累的学习时间使他的词汇量和英语水平提升了一大截。 23 debase [d be s] v. 使贬值;贬损 The large raise that he gave himself debased his motives for running the charity. 他给他自己的大幅加薪使得他搞慈善的动机的纯洁性大打折扣。 24 decry [d kra ] v. 公然非难,谴责 The village chief decried the appaling state of the roads in the village. 村长谴责了村里道路骇人的现状。 25deferential [def ren ( )l] adj. 恭敬的 Donata is always excessively deferential to any kind of authority figure. Donata见到权威人士,总是表现得过于恭敬。 26 demure [d mj ] adj. 端庄的;娴静的 Though everyone else at the party was dancing and going crazy, she remained demure. 尽管派对上的其他人都在跳舞狂欢,她却一直娴静地待着。 27 deride [d ra d] v. 取笑,嘲弄 The native speaker often derided the other teacher s accent. 这个说母语的'人经常嘲笑其他老师的口音。 28 despot [ desp t] n. 独裁者,专制君王 The despot issued a death sentence for anyone who disobeyed his laws. 对那些违抗了他的法律的人,独裁暴君会判处他们死刑。 29diligent [ d l d ( )nt] adj. 勤奋的;用功的 The diligent researcher made sure to double check her measurements. 这位勤勉的研究者反复检查了她的测量数据。 1elated [ le t d]adj. 兴高采烈的;得意洋洋的 When he found out he had won the lottery, the postman was elated.当他发现自己中了彩票的时候,邮递员简直乐疯了。 2 eloquent [ el kw nt]adj. 雄辩的;有说服力的 The best man gave such an eloquent speech that most guests were crying.伴郎的演讲相当打动人,到场的大多数宾客都留下了热泪。 3 embezzle [ m bez( )l]v. 贪污,盗窃,挪用(公款) The accountant was fired for embezzling $10,000 of the company s funds.在挪用了公司1万美元的经费之后,这位会计师被开除了。 4empathy [ emp ]n. 同感,共鸣;移情 I feel such empathy for my dog when she s upset so am I!我与我的狗感情相通,以至于只要她一不开心,我也不怎么高兴。 5 enmity [ enm t ]n. 敌对,不和 John and Scott have clearly not forgiven each other, because the enmity between them is obvious to anyone in their presence.John和Scott显然还没有互相谅解,因为他们之间的'敌对情绪太明显了,在场的其他人都能感觉得到。 6 erudite [ er da t]adj. 有学问的,知识渊博的 My English teacher is such an erudite scholar that he has translated some of the most difficult and abstruse Old English poetry.我的英语老师是位博学的学者,他已经翻译了好多深奥的古英语诗歌。 7extol [ k st ek-]v. 高度赞扬;吹捧 Kamila extolled the virtues of a vegetarian diet to her meat-loving boyfriend.Kamila向她爱吃肉的男朋友吹捧素食的好处。 8fabricate [ f br ke t]v. 捏造,编造;创造 When I arrived an hour late at my office, I fabricated some excuse about my car breaking down on the way to work.当我迟到了一小时后终于赶到办公室时,我编了些借口,说我的车在上班途中抛锚了。 9 feral [ fer( )l; f -]adj. 未驯服的,凶猛的 That beast looks so feral that I would fear being alone with it.这只野兽看起来太凶猛了,以至于我都不敢单独和它相处。 10flabbergasted [ fl b ɡ st d]adj. 目瞪口呆的;大吃一惊的 Whenever I read an Agatha Christie mystery novel, I am always flabbergasted when I learn the identity of the murderer.每次我读阿加莎的悬疑小说,总是会在揭晓真凶的时候,大吃一惊。 11forsake [f se k]v. 放弃;戒掉 I won t forsake my conservative principles.我不会放弃我保守的原则。 12fractious [ fr k s]adj. 暴躁的,乖戾的. Although the child insisted he wasn t tired, his fractious behaviour - especially his decision to crush his jam sandwiches all over the floor - convinced everyone present that it was time to put him to bed.尽管这小孩坚持说自己不累,但他的任性行为,尤其是当他把果酱三明治拍得满地都是,让在场所有人都相信是时候送他去睡觉了。 13furtive [ f t v]adj. 秘密的;暗中的 Claudia s placement of her drugs in her sock drawer was not as furtive as she thought, as the sock drawer is the first place most parents look.Claudia把毒品藏在袜子抽屉,不过这并没有她想的那样隐蔽,因为袜子抽屉实际上是所有父母首先会检查的地方。 14gluttony [ gl t( )n ]n. 暴食,贪食 Helen s fried chicken tastes so divine, I don t know how anyone can call gluttony a sin.Helen做的炸鸡味道太好了,我不明白怎么会有人说贪吃是一种罪恶? 15gratuitous [gr tju t s]adj. 免费的;无缘无故的` Every evening the guy at the fish and chip shop gives me a gratuitous helping of vinegar.每个晚上,炸鱼薯条店的那人都会免费给我一份醋。 16haughty [ h t ]adj. 傲慢的;威严的 The superstar s haughty dismissal of her co-stars will backfire on her someday.这位巨星对待其他合作明星的傲慢轻蔑态度早晚会给她带来恶果。 17hypocrisy [h p kr s ]n. 假装;虚伪 Once the politician began passing legislation that contradicted his campaign promises, his hypocrisy became apparent.当政客开始通过一些与他的`选举承诺相违背的立法的时候,他伪善的一面就显露出来了。 18impeccable [ m pek b( )l]adj. 无可挑剔的 If your grades were as impeccable as your brother s, then you too would receive a car for a graduation present.如果你的成绩能像你哥哥那样无可挑剔,那么你也可以得到一辆车作为毕业礼物。 19impertinent [ m p t n nt]adj. 不恰当的;无礼的 Most of your comments are so impertinent that I don t wish to dignify them with an answer.你的大多评论都是太过无礼,根本配不上得到我的回应。 20 implacable [ m pl k b( )l]adj. 不易抚慰的;无法缓和的 Watch out: once you shun Grandmother s cooking, she is totally implacable.当心了,你如果回避不吃你奶奶的料理,你做什么都无法安抚她受伤的心了。 21impudent [ mpj d( )nt]adj. 放肆的;无礼的 The impudent young woman looked her teacher up and down and told him he was hot.这个放肆的姑娘上下打量她老师,然后说他很性感。 22 incisive [ n sa s v]adj. 切入的;锋利的 The discussion wasn t going anywhere until her incisive comment allowed everyone to see what the true issues were.讨论并没有什么进展,直到她一针见血的评论让大伙都看清了真正的问题所在。 23 indolent [ nd( )l( )nt]adj. 懒惰的;好逸恶劳的. Why should my indolent children, who can t even pick themselves up off the sofa to pour their own juice, be rewarded with a trip to Burger King?我的孩子们太懒惰,让他们从沙发上爬起来,自己去倒杯果汁都嫌麻烦,就这还能奖励他们去吃一顿汉堡王? 24 inept [ nept]adj. 笨拙的;不称职的 She proved how inept she was when she forgot two orders and spilled a pint of cider in a customer s lap.她忘掉了两份订单,还把一品脱的苹果酒洒到顾客腿上,可见她是多么不称职的服务生。 25 infamy [ nf m ]n. 声名狼藉;不光彩的行为 The infamy of his crime will not lessen as time passes.他臭名昭著的犯罪行为并不会随着时间(安徒生童话有哪些?《海的女儿》、《丑小鸭》、《屎壳郎》、《野天鹅》、《夜莺》、《雪人》、《瓶颈》、《拇指姑娘》、《园丁与主人》、《冰雪女皇》、《小猪倌》、《笨蛋杰克》、《豌豆上的公主》《坚定的锡兵》、《肉肠签子汤》、《老爹做的事总是对的》、《飞箱》等。)流逝而被淡忘。 26 inhibit [ n h b t]v. 约束;控制 When I told you I needed the car last night, I certainly never meant to inhibit you from going out.昨晚我告诉你我要用车,绝不是为了阻止你出门。 27innate [ ne ne t]adj. 天生的;先天的 His incredible athletic talent is innate, he never trains, lifts weights, or practices.他那出类拔萃的体育天分是与生俱来的,他从不训练,不举重,也不练习。 28 insatiable [ n se b( )l]adj. 无法满足的;贪得无厌的 The corrupting influence of absolute power begets an insatiable appetite for more power. 绝对权力的腐蚀性影响,导致人们无休止地追求更多的权力。 29 insular [ nsj l ]adj. 孤立的;与世隔绝的 Because of the sensitive nature of their jobs, those who work for MI5 must remain insular and generally only spend time with each other.由于工作本身高度敏感,军情五处的雇员们必须与世隔绝,基本只能和彼此来往。 30 intrepid [ n trep d]adj. 刚毅的;无畏的 After scaling a live volcano prior to its eruption, the explorer was praised for his intrepid attitude. 这位探险家赶在火山喷发之前攀登了这座活火山,他因为这种无畏的态度备受赞誉。【高级英语词汇】相关文章: