:I need someone to talk to. Do you think he will pick up the keys? I don t know..I have customers leaving keys here for years. Sometimes they pick up in a few days, sometimes takes a few weeks. What about most of the times? Most of the time the keys stay in the jar. Why you keep them?You should just throw them out. No..No, I couldn t do that. Why not? If I throw this keys away, and those doors will be closed forever. that should not up to me to decide. Should it? I guess I just looking for a reason. Well..form my observations, sometimes it s better of not knowing. And other times there s no reason to be found. Everything has a reason. Just like this pies and cakes.At the end of every night,Cheese cakes and the apple pies are always completely gone. The peach pies and chocolate Mousse cakes are nearly finished. BUt, there s always a whole blue berry pie left untouched. So what s wrong with the blueberry pie? It s nothing wrong with the blueberry pie. Just people make other choices, you can t blame the bluebreey pies. Just no one wants it. 我能和你聊聊吗?你认为他会来拿那些钥匙么? 我不知道。有时,一些客人会把钥匙放在这儿几年,有时几天,而有时几个礼拜。 大多数情况呢? 大多数情况,这些钥匙就被放在瓶子里了。 你为什么保存它们?你应该把它们扔掉。 不,我不能那样做? 为什么不能? 如果我把钥匙扔掉,那么那些门将会永远锁上,然而,那并不由我来决定,不是吗? 我想要寻找一个原因。 从我的观察来看,有时不知道原因反而更好。有时,你根本找不到原因。 凡事都有原因。 就像这些派和蛋糕。每天打样的时候,芝士蛋糕和苹果派总是卖完,蜜桃派和巧克力慕斯也总是卖得差不多了,但是,总是有一个完整的蓝莓派没有人动过。 蓝莓派有什么问题吗? 蓝莓派本身没有问题,人们的选择不同,你并不能怪蓝莓派。只是没人要它而已。 I guess for Sulin, leaving this town was like dying. I wonder how many people would remember Arnie. When you re gone, all that left behind are memories created in other people s lives, or just couple items on the bills. 我猜苏琳离开这个小镇就像死了一次。我在想,到底有多少人会记得阿尼。人一旦离开就只剩下为别人制造的回忆,或者说,就像账单上的几道餐点。 I always have the feeling I can say anything to you, enclosed with the bills I created for you, in memory of our time together.I wonder how you remerber me. As a girl who like blueberry pies? or the girl with a broken heart? 我总觉得有许多话想对你说,随信附赠上我为你制作的账单,为了我们共同的记忆。我想要知道在你的记忆中,我是怎样一个人。一个爱吃蓝莓派的女孩,还是,伤透了心的女孩? You still have the keys? Yea.. I aways remember what you said about never throwing them away, about never closing those doors forever.I remember. Sometimes even you have the keys. Those doors still can t be opened, can they? Even if the door is opened, the person you re looking for may not be there. 你还保存着那些钥匙么? 是的,我依旧记得你说的那些话,我没有把它们丢弃,关于永远不要关闭那些门的话。 但是,有时即使你有钥匙也不可能打开某些门,难道不是吗? 甚至那些门打开着,我找的人也不一定在那。 Trust everyone, but always cut cards. That thing my father never taught me. You know what that means?It means never trust anybody. If you re so good at reading people.. Then why I lose? Yes. Cause you can t always win. You can beat players, but you can t beat luck. Sometimes you read them off. You read person right, but you still did the wrong thing. Because you trust them? Because you can t even trust yourself. 相信所有人,但是一定要切牌,只是我爸交给我的真理。你懂那是什么意思吗?那意味着,不要相信任何人 你那么会观察人 为什么会输? 是的。 你不可能永远赢的,你能够击败所有人,但你不能击败运气。有时,运势不佳,看透别人依旧会输。 因为相信他们? 因为你不相信自己。 Where are the keys? you don t keep them any more? I ve always trying to give them back to their owners. Do you want yours? No, I don t need them any more. What about your keys? I got rid of them. It took me nearly a year to get here. It wasn t so hard to cross that street after all. It all depends on who s waiting for you on the other side. 那几乎花费了我一年的时间到达那。其实,穿越一条街根本就不难。那取决于街的那一头谁在等你。 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 很喜欢Norah Jones写给Jude Law的这段话:我总觉得有许多话想对你说,随信附赠上我为你制作的账单,为了我们共同的记忆。我想要知道在你的记忆中,我是怎样一个人。一个爱吃蓝莓派的女孩,还是,伤透了心的女孩?
(tbc是什么意思?游戏魔兽世界的“燃烧的远征(World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade),未完待续 (To Be Continued),对叔丁基邻苯二酚(p-tert-butylcatechol),简称TBC;波音公司(The Boeing Company)。)《蓝莓之夜》经典台词06-06